
What is the truth


Would you agree that truth contains no conflict within itself? Truth is whole.

What does it mean to know? Would you agree that if one knows then they are certain? If there are surprises, then prior knowledge was lacking; if there are questionings, then there remains some unknowns and If there are regrets, then something unexpected has occurred, implying the presence of an unknown to the one in regret.

Now if God is described as Omniscient – meaning “all knowing”, it follows that God knows the end from the beginning.

This leads to the first conclusion:

Point 1: If God is the creator of all things, then all things created by Him were foreknown to Him.

It can thus be said that there is nothing God created that He was mistaken about.

At this point, let us consider what not being certain entails.

To be uncertain means to either have a void in one’s mind or to have one’s mind divided/split – conflicting.

Can God’s creation be uncertain?

God being the creator of all things means that the only knowledge that there was to know before creation occurred was the knowledge of Himself. This also means that all His creations came into being based on the knowledge of Himself.

His creations however can be uncertain about their true self, because they are not first in existence seeing that the knowledge of themselves depends on their creator (just as a child's identity is known by the parent).

To be uncertain about one’s self is to be in a state of dissociation. It is logical to see that dissociation leads to delusion - for a mind which is split cannot know anything truly because it is unsure or conflicted about everything and knowledge is certainty.

Second conclusion:

Point 2: If God’s creations can be uncertain, they can only be so in their own mind and not in God’s mind.

This means that what they are remains unchanged in truth. Hence it is said: whatever God creates is forever.

God creates only that which He knows, and nothing He doesn’t know can ever have any being. God – the “I AM”, is the “All Being”; which follows that all His creations are part of Him for in Him they have their being.

Third conclusion:

Point 3: To know is to be certain. If then God creates only that which He knows, His creations are eternal.

Hence it is written: “God is not a son of man that He should repent” and “I the Lord change not”.

Anything therefore that is not eternal is not of His creation. Anything destructible is not of His creation.

What then is the nature of creation? What does it entail, this process of creating? For if God is one and He creates through the knowledge of Himself, it therefore means that whatever He creates would be of like quality with Him for there is nothing else but Him.

Fourth conclusion:

Point 4: If something comes out of something and they are of the same quality, they remain one, being like each other. Creation therefore means extension.

Therefore it is written, “He who has seen me has seen the Father” and “each tree is known by its own fruit” and "I came forth from the Father".

What is the nature or quality of God?

Jesus’ testimony concerning this is: God is Good, God is Light and God is Love.

If God is “All being”, it follows that Evil has no being, Darkness has no being, and Hatred has no being.

Point 5: If God has a being (i.e. exists) in truth, the condition in which Evil, Darkness and Hatred can seem to have a being would only be in delusion.

Hence it is written, “Darkness covered the Earth and deep darkness, the peoples” + "the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God" + "the deceiver of the whole world"

The bible says that the true image (imagination) of God is Christ: in the beginning was the Logos/Word/Thought, and the Thought was with God and the Thought/Idea was God (Note that Ideas are joined/remain in the mind that create them).

However, in delusion, everything true is distorted/perverted. This world stands to blaspheme/deny God. Since God’s creations are eternal, in this world, everything is destructible and subject to decay/corruption even as it is written: "for refusing to retain God in their knowledge, they became futile in their imaginations and turned the glory of the incorruptible God to the likeness of corruptible man and beasts and creeping things"

Delusion and lies will ultimately succumb to Truth. Hence it is written: "Assuredly as I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God"

What then is the implication of all these?

We learned that all things created by God were foreknown to Him: "For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers"

This means that our true selves are one and the same with the Christ's. Therefore live your life in a manner worthy of the name of Christ that you bear.


SIN - the problem of the world


The problem of the World

The problems and sufferings which seem to be of diverse forms and degrees in this world can be narrowed down to ONE thing - SIN.

What is SIN? It is nothing but SEPARATION. The splitting of the mind from its wholeness in God.

For professing to be wise, they became fools and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into an image of corruptible man and beast and creeping things Romans_1:22-23

How did this happen? Through one simple idea, a VAIN idea, an idle thought, a private thought, a secret thought – to be separate, to be by one’s self, to be alone, to be special.

The principle of having something to one’s self alone, not to be shared; to keep something to one’s self and deny all others from having access to it: such principle or LAW – which is clearly opposite to the LAW of LIFE, the LAW of GOD, who willed not to be alone, nor to withhold any part of His life or being to Himself alone – such an opposing principle became the LAW of SIN & DEATH, being contrary to life.

Oh my beloved brothers! Why do we continue to sustain and uphold such a law among ourselves? Don’t we see that its reward or end or goal is DEATH? To withdraw and withhold to one’s self is in fact to become deprived. For if God is everything that IS (being the “I AM”), then to live by a diametrically opposed law to His would be to embrace vanity, emptiness and death.


The popular saying: “there is LOVE in SHARING” really captures it well. God is LOVE. God is LIGHT. To live in LIGHT is to live in transparency, with nothing to hide, to be OPEN-MINDED.

It is written:

Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness, whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling 1 John_2:9-10

We know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him 1 John_3:14

Yea, even Jesus said: “everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment” – Matthew_5:22

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstances. Love never fails… – 1Corinthians_13:4-8

Beloved, let us love one another for love is from God and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God – 1John_4:7

If we want to HEAL the SEPARATION, we need to CONFESS our SINs one to another and FORGIVE one another, removing everything that would divide or get in the way of our free communication with one another, as it is written:

Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed… James_5:16

To confess is to wholly declare without reservation. What you would keep hidden can only be in darkness, which means you would have to be in darkness to have it hidden.

Open up and share, come into the light and your Father who is LIGHT will liberate you as it is written:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John_1:9

Also, withhold not good from your brother when it is within your power or grasp to do him good.

By this we know love, that he [Jesus Christ] laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John_3:16-18

Love your neighbor as yourself – love your neighbor because your neighbor is equal to you. For what do you have that you didn’t receive? And who are you apart from the WHOLE? And what can be WHOLE without sharing or communion? Therefore, as you would that others do unto you, do likewise unto them for this is the LAW OF LIFE.

Beloved, let us not be overcome with EVIL/SIN/SEPARATION/DIFFERENCES, let us rather overcome with GOOD/LOVE/UNION/COMMUNION.


You are light

You are LIGHT


God is light and in Him is no darkness at all 1 John_1:5


This is the message Jesus Christ declares unto us. What does this have to do with you?

Let us investigate the nature of light first and perhaps deduce certain conclusions that point to the title of this write-up.


The fruit of light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Ephesians_5:9

Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning James_1:17

There is no good tree that brings forth corrupt fruit nor again a corrupt tree that brings forth good fruit … each tree is known by its own fruit Luke_6:43-44


If each tree is known by its own fruit, it therefore follows that each fruit is defined by its tree.

If we are the creation of God, we came into being from Him; even as it is written There is one God, the Father, of whom are ALL things, and we unto Him 1Corinthians_8:6it therefore follows that we share the same nature and likeness with Him.

If God is good, so are we. If He is righteous, so are we. If God is Love, we also are Love. A condition that has nothing to do with our choice.

Let’s restate the above again:

We are good because God is good. We are righteous because God is righteous. We are Love because God is Love.

You may perhaps notice a familiar principle in the above statements, namely “Cause & Effect” wherein God is the Cause and we the Effect.

It is therefore beyond our power to NOT be good for both the Cause and the Effect are inseparable. What then can separate us from the Love of God and what then can prevent us from loving? Only if the cause changes can it be possible.

But God is eternal and not subject to time wherein change is possible. So if He willed good, being good Himself, we, being the Effect of His will, cannot but be good.

The only logical conclusion to the evil we see is that it is not real but an illusion, an erroneous perception, a wrong thinking.

What then is the solution? Correct thinking, right perception of what is and what isn’t.

If you are good, your neighbor is also good because you are not separate from each other. That which a WILL desires exists in union with its thoughts. If the WILL is one and undivided, so also is the thought undivided. We are the thoughts of God and thus exist in union with Him and each other.

In other words, we ONLY exist in union with God. We are thus to co-exist in union with one another. There is no threat to be perceived from that which is part of a whole. You cannot fight against that which is joined in oneness with you. Peace therefore resides in acceptance. Embracing your brother can only enlarge you; never does it depreciate you or take away from you.

Light shines, it radiates, it gives of itself to everything around it. In truth, you cannot find darkness inside light but in delusion, light can seem to be surrounded by darkness but the darkness cannot apprehend the it because the darkness is only a delusion.

You are light because God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. You are in Him: "for in Him we move and live and have our being”. Therefore let your light shine that the illusion of darkness may indeed be shown to be an illusion.
