
The Right Audience for this site

  • I write to you who love fairness and equity

  • I write to you who seek peace of mind

  • I write to you who wish no ill towards anyone

  • I write to you who desire that joy be given to all the living

  • I write to you who are not satisfied with the results which your current knowledge of God have brought to you so far

  • I write to you who are willing to see things the way they are in truth

  • I write to you who would ONLY offer merciful helping hands in honor of your equality to your neighbor

If any of the above 7 attributes is lacking in you, please be informed that this platform is not appropriate for you.


Transformational journey where restfulness, honor to all, freedom from guilt and virtue of goodness are the goals to achieve and maintain.

This site does not claim to contain ultimate interpretation of concepts or topics expressed. As such, dear visitor, you are advised to use the contents only to the extent that it helps in the realization of your journey.